Calcolution is a concept that thrives on constant cooperative improvement
For the promotion of values Personal responsibility, transparency & cooperation Calcolution has developed its own components. These can be used in a modular way, but they develop their full power in combination.
Individual responsibility:
The Stakeholder Carbon Footprint (SCF) enables a cause-based analysis of footprint, money and handprint in order to efficiently prioritize climate-effective measures.
Based on a qualitative assessment becomes
one for the essential areas with high emissions and their own influence detailed calculation performed. This strengthens climate awareness, sharpens the understanding of the process and enables individual assessments to be taken into account when prioritizing.
The focus on one's own possibilities strengthens this team spirit and the willingness to implement it together.
The various Best Practice Clubs (BPC) serve as a platform for interested members to exchange on emissions and efficient measures.
The general BPC is accessible to all users who share their own data with the community. There, the parameterization is jointly further developed, whereby reference values result. Using a white label concept, companies, associations or institutions can create their own BPCs as part of a franchise concept moderate. All BPCs use the same functionalities, but act in protected data rooms, which enables adaptation to specific problems.
The community gathers in the Eco Solution Corner (ESC). innovative solutions, interesting article and free accessible data sources in a structured and curated form.
By commenting on and rating the entries, participants can make significant time and efficiency gains when searching for sustainable information.
The exchange of experiences promotes cooperation and serves as a platform for the joint, scaled implementation of measures.
The stakeholders can offer their customers their own ESCs as part of a white label approach.
Introductory presentation to Calcolution
The cooperative implementation of efficient measures is the key to success in the fight against the climate crisis. Calcolution offers support on your way to becoming a sustainability leader. Work with us to develop an individual, tailor-made concept for promoting sustainability in your organization.
Article on stakeholder carbon footprint
The concept and the implementation of the stakeholder carbon footprint offer decision-makers deep insights into their own processes and allow the efficient prioritization of climate-friendly measures.